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Principles & Practices of Herbalism


Herbs as Alternatives to Conventional Medicines


Herbal medicine, rooted in centuries of traditional knowledge and natural remedies, presents a compelling alternative to pharmaceuticals for those seeking a holistic and gentle approach to wellness. Embracing the healing power of plants, herbal remedies often offer a more nuanced and balanced interaction with the body, working in harmony with its natural processes. The rich history of herbal medicine across various cultures provides a foundation of accumulated wisdom, contributing to the diverse array of plant-based solutions available.


Like drugs, herbs can be used to treat a wide range of physical and emotional issues. Unlike many drugs, however, herbs are relative safe and gentle - they are forgiving, offering a much greater margin of error and fewer adverse side effects.


The key difference between conventional drugs and herbs, is that drugs are composed of specific chemical compounds (often isolated from an  herbal source). To the herbalist the presence of scientifically proven compounds is only part of what makes a plant useful. "The whole plant is always greater, and usually safer, than the sum of it's parts".


Things to bear in mind, however, when changing to herbal remedies:

•Herbs are slower acting than most drugs. The difference between an herbal therapy and a shot of a traditional drug often amounts to a day or two of patient waiting. This is why herbs are often suited to treating chronic, rather than acute, conditions

•When using herbs don't expect results beyond those you would expect from drugs that you are replacing. The curative depth of the therapy remains the same


However, it's crucial to note that while herbs may offer benefits, they can interact with medications, potentially affecting their efficacy or causing adverse effects. It's important to consider potential herb-drug interactions and consult with healthcare professionals when appropriate.


A Few Words About Toxicity


Serious, adverse reactions are rare, but when used outside the parameters of common sense and moderation any plant can be toxic. Although herbs are generally weaker and gentler than most drugs they still demand respect. "More" is not necessarily "Better". 


Toxicity is dose dependent. If a body receives a substance in quantities or concentrations that cannot be effectively dealt with by its natural functions, the excess must be dealt with by vomitting, diarrhoea, and other purgutive functions. If this fails, systemic shutdown or damage may occur.


The herbs we have selected are commonly used in veterinary practice as they are safe and forgiving. Our dosage recommendations are based upon best available veterinary advice and practice, and are based upon the theory of proceeding with caution. We predominantly use herbs with wide margins of safety, and work on the herbal practice of administering minimum effective dose.


We advise watching the animal for any signs of adverse reaction. In most cases where an animal is hypersensitive (or allergic) to an herb or has received too much they will vomit shortly after administration. Other indicators of toxicity include itching, photosensitivity and diarrhoea.


When to Take your Pet to the Vet


Our products are aimed at enabling you to be somewhat self sufficient in ensuring the health and welfare of your canine companions.  However, there are some problems that caregivers should not attempt to treat on their own at home.


This includes:

  • Any life threatening situation such as poisoning, major trauma, bleeding, broken bones,

  • Immediate pain relief should always be dealt with through conventional medicines. Although there are herbs with pain relieving action, they are nowhere near as effective as conventional drugs and no pet should be left in pain in any instance.

  • Any instances were treating at home doesn't get better in a few days

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