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Can my dog eat this? - Burgers -

This is our latest post in the series covering foods that your dog can / should eat or avoid completely. We break it down into bitesize articles and will cover everything from artichokes to antelope! These are all extracts from Jo’s upcoming book called “Can My Dog Eat This?”

Bonkers for burgers….most dogs are, but you need to be careful!

Similar to hot dogs, commercial burgers are often full of nasty preservatives and additives, and high in fat. If fast food burgers are not considered healthy for humans, the same applies to dogs.

Most of these burgers are highly-processed, frequently high in sodium, nasty preservatives and additives and made using the scrapings of the barrel, so not a healthy option to feed your dog.

f your dog does accidentally consume a food chain burger however, there should be no significant side effects. Just ensure that they have access to fresh water as required.

However, home made or organic plain burgers with no additives, salt or onion added, are OK for your dog to eat on occasion.

Stay tuned for more "Can My Dog Eat This?" posts.

About these posts...

Well, a sea change is taking place in the world of pet nutrition. More and more owners are moving away from processed dry and tinned foods towards more natural, healthy diets for their pets. With this shift comes considerable confusion and misinformation. Are blackberries poisonous? Is garlic good or bad for dogs? What about avocado?

There is an important distinction between what dogs can eat and what dogs should eat. As with humans, dogs need a balanced diet to thrive. These posts will hopefully give you a steer in the right direction!

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